Prepare your body for birth

A prenatal program focused on preparing YOUR body, taught by experts, Covered by your benefits*

* Course cost may be covered by your health benefits. Individual coverage varies depending on your plan.

You're not just another patient

Do you feel unheard and rushed in your prenatal visits? Our Confident Birth Prenatal Program is a private prenatal class, taught on your schedule by a Naturopathic Doctor. We cover everything you need to know about labour coping skills so that you and your partner can feel prepared!

Your birth experience matters

Unlock a positive birth experience for you and your partner

  • This private class includes two 1-on-1 sessions (each runs for 2-2.5 hours) for you and your partner with a Naturopathic Doctor. Classes can be taught virtually or in your home, on your schedule

  • You get access to comprehensive learning materials: 2 workbooks, 5 audio recordings, and affirmation cards

  • Both classes emphasize practical birth skills for coping with every labor stage so that your partner knows exactly how to support you.


May be Covered Under Health Benefits

All of our instructors are licensed health care providers, this means that your class may be covered by health benefits if you have them. Payment plans are available.

Discover the Confident Birth Prenatal Program

Your Path to a Calm and Empowered Childbirth Experience:

This class isn't just for you

Our Confident Birth classes are designed with you AND your partner in mind. You'll both learn exactly what to expect with each stage of labour. We include specific techniques that your partner can use to support you at each step, so you can BOTH feel confident.

Our instructors come to your home or work virtually, classes are booked around your schedule so both of you can be present for each class. Our goal is to have you working as a team so that your partner can be your doula.

What's inside

Watch this video to find out exactly what you get in our Confident Birth Prenatal Program.

Meet Our Course Creators

Introducing Dr. EeVon Ling & Dr. Olivia Chubey: Passionate Doulas, Experienced HypnoBirthing Instructors And Naturopathic Doctors. 

With their combined expertise, compassion, and commitment to empowering birthing individuals, they designed a comprehensive program that equips you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the miraculous journey of pregnancy and childbirth

Dr. EeVon Ling, ND

Dr. EeVon is a renowned doula and educator, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our prenatal classes. 

With a background in hypnotherapy, Dr. EeVon has a deep understanding of the physiological and emotional aspects of pregnancy and birth. 

Her passion for evidence-based care ensures that you receive the most up-to-date information and best practices throughout your prenatal journey.

Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND

Dr. Olivia Chubey, co-founder of Your Downtown Doula, is dedicated to empowering individuals to reclaim their birthing experiences. 

With a background in kinesiology, Dr. Olivia brings a unique perspective that honours the diverse needs and choices of expectant parents, fostering an environment of respect and dignity

Case Studies

See how we've helped other expecting parents get through their pregnancies

Fostering Confidence and Success:

A Case Study on the Transformative Impact of YDD's Prenatal Program on Birth Outcomes

B.R. and her partner contacted YDD very late in their pregnancy, expecting their first child. They were interested in preparing for childbirth and postpartum support. At our meet and greet, I learned that they were already taking what sounded like a comprehensive hybrid prenatal class that included several video lessons plus weekly sessions with a midwife. Still, they mentioned that they wanted to learn more relaxation exercises, so I offered to teach them YDD’s Confident Birth Prenatal Program.

After the class, the couple commented on how helpful the session was and B.R. commented that she now felt more confident to face her upcoming birth. The information I taught them was new to them and not covered by their other prenatal class. 

A few weeks later, I received a message that their baby was born! B.R. had decided to remain at home to birth her baby and her partner commented on how amazing B.R. did with the breathing and the visualization exercises they learned, as if she was on a high.

They later commented that of all the classes they took, they ended up only using the exercises and techniques they learned in their Confident Birth Prenatal Program.

Achieving Pain-Free Births: 

A Case Study on the Remarkable Benefits of YDD's Confident Birth Prenatal Program

S.T. contacted YDD with only a few weeks left in her pregnancy. She was expecting her first child. She was under the care of an OB and planning to birth at a hospital with a 1 support person policy in place.

Her intention was to labour at home for as long as possible and birth without an epidural. She expressed some concerns that her partner wouldn’t be able to support her in the way that she needed. So she and her partner opted for the Confident Birth Prenatal Program.

During the sessions she commented on how useful the exercises were to help her relax. 

A few days after her due date S.T. updated me that she had her baby! Her labour started and progressed fairly quickly.  

She commented that the birth was a positive experience and she didn’t feel any pain. She attributed her experience to the exercises she learned from the program.

The Power of Science and Mindfulness:

A Case Study on the Synergistic Impact of YDD's Prenatal Program and Doula Support in Achieving a Calm and Controlled Birth Experience

C.W. and her partner contacted YDD early in their pregnancy with their first child. They were under the care of an OB. They opted to take both the free prenatal classes offered by their hospital and YDD’s Confident Birth Prenatal Program along with getting doula support for the birth itself.

C.W. explained that she is very science minded and will go along with advice that follows facts.  

Throughout the classes they commented on how much the exercises made sense to them and could appreciate how useful they would be in labour. 

As I was her doula, C.W. reached out to me when her labour started. On the phone and in person she appeared very calm and in control, focusing on the breathing exercises that she had learned from the program. They stayed at home until C.W. expressed that she felt her labour was really intense and wanted to leave for the hospital. 

When they reached the hospital and they checked her, she was almost fully dilated! The hospital staff were very surprised because C.W. appeared very calm- they assumed she was still in early labour. 

still have questions?

frequently asked questions

What is the YDD Confident Birth Prenatal Program?

The YDD Confident Birth Prenatal Program is a comprehensive course designed to help expectant parents prepare for childbirth by teaching relaxation exercises, breathing techniques, and other helpful tools that can contribute to a positive birth experience.

How can the Confident Birth Prenatal Program help me during labor and delivery?

The program provides you with practical tools and techniques, such as relaxation exercises and visualization, to help you stay calm, focused, and in control during labor. These techniques can help reduce pain and anxiety, resulting in a more positive birth experience.

How is the Confident Birth Prenatal Program different from other prenatal classes?

While other prenatal classes may offer general information about childbirth, the Confident Birth Prenatal Program specifically focuses on providing expectant parents with effective techniques and exercises to manage pain, stress, and anxiety during labor.

Can I take the Confident Birth Prenatal Program in addition to other prenatal classes?

Yes, many expectant parents find it beneficial to take the Confident Birth Prenatal Program alongside other prenatal classes to gain a well-rounded understanding of childbirth and to complement the information and techniques learned in other courses.

When should I start the Confident Birth Prenatal Program?

You can start the program at any time during your pregnancy. However, it is recommended to begin the course early enough to allow ample time to practice the techniques and become comfortable with them before labor begins.

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